
Christmas 2008

StromecekThis was our first Christmas together, on the top of the first Christmas, since we were married. We spend it by ourselves in Mirovická, because we assumed that it would be the first, but at the same time the last quiet Christmas. We bought a tree, a tree stand and some ornaments. This was little difficult, since Lenka likes straw ones, and I prefer glass ones. So we agreed that we would alternate them every other Christmas.


Wedding – the week before

Our July was really tough. There was the wedding coming up and C3A event right after it. Additionally we arranged with the Fagerbergs that they would come a week early and spend it with us in Prague. They extended their vacation by it, and our fun started several days early. This also helped us in that we had to have organization of the wedding and C3A event ready one week earlier.


Wedding – Our big day

svatbaFinally our big day came. We had a good sleep (together), i.e., no getting up at 6 am. In the morning we stopped at the hotel, where our guests were to sleep and verified that booking was progressing the way it should. We met a lot of them around the hotel and greeted them. Then I drove Lenka to České Budějovice to a hairdresser, where she met Lea with her car. Then our ways parted for most of the day and we each lived through our own stories.


C1 Vídeň - duben 2013

Tento článek sice nese v názvu C1, ale v sekci Rodina je plným právem. Tancování jako takové se totiž nevymykalo průměru, kdežto rodinné poměry ano.


David - narozeniny 2013

David40Tak je to tu zas, po deseti letech další kulatiny. Stejně jako před deseti leti, i teď jsem měl značně rozporuplné pocity a střídaly se ve mě chutě udělat pořádnou oslavu až po neslavit narozeniny vůbec. Jeden čas jsem dokonce přemýšlel i o uspořádání soukromé squarové akce nebo country bálu, ale to víceméně nešlo kvůli (ne)volným víkendům. Dokonce se ukázalo, že ani v rodinném kruhu jsme nebyli schopni sejít se v jeden čas. Výsledkem tedy byly oslavy dvě.