SD articles

Square breathing

Introduction: special thanks to Dave Wilson and Vic Ceder for their contribution to this article.

This article is about square breathing. It aims to explain the whole issue and also destroy some myths or repeated falsehoods. The facts listed here are valid across all levels, they are not only Challenge specific. The level-depended effects will be clearly highlighted.


Asymetrická choreografie

Tento článek byl prvně publikován v lednu 2000 a pojednává o tom, co je to asymetrická choreografie a jak řešit asymetricky postavenou čtverylku. Myšlenkyu zde uvedené pocházejí přímo od autora, v závěru článku najdete odkazy na další zdroje informací.


Jak callerovat Plus a Advanced

(Poprvé publikováno v březnu 2003, revidováno v lednu 2010)

Jak callerovat Plus a Advanced? Existuje mnoho způsobů, jak callerovat určitý level, a nikdo nemůže určit, který z nich je ten správný.  
Proto také nechci nikomu podsouvat žádné dogma. Tímto článkem se chci podělit o rady a zkušenosti, které pomohly mě, a které mohou pomoci všem callerům, kteří cítí, že pouhé přidávání dalších figur není ta správná cesta, jak callerovat něco víc než Mainstream.


Standard Position Dancing

Everyone raised in the United States has the advantage of knowing what standard position dancing (SPD) means. This knowledge has been passed taken from generation to generation. Many times it happens that fathers and grandfathers are told to the incipient caller “you can’t call this from there. And the answer of the question why, is usually “because you can’t”.

Europe treats SD differently than America. For America square dance is a national dance, known for ages by everybody. Europe has known square for about the last 50 years. Square dancing has been imported and because there was no connection with the past, has been taken more technically. Definition was most important, not what people had learned from their childhood. Therefore by taking definitions more literally, dancing in Europe is more technically fastidious and more sophisticated.

Higher fastidiousness demands a caller, who is able to combine certain formation with certain figures, and a dancer, who doesn’t know such a combination and is forced to find the solution on the fly. Therefore higher fastidiousness is not demanded every time or cannot be used. If you call to the inexperienced or tired dancer, you are a guest caller at a club evening, you have a tip at the caller’s showcase, you are momentarily indisposed or you are inexperienced at the top level, these all are the right situations for SPD.

Standard positions or in other words dancing from standard positions is not defined by Callerlab. It is just about a performance of the figure from the formation which the dancers dance that figure most often. It is what they know to do instantly, subconsciously. Everything else for them is higher fastidiousness. If you take notes from several different dances, write down the pairs FASR-figure, the most often pairs define SPD.

The dancers are the reason why to use SPD. Your mission is not to show how difficult a combination you are able to make up. Your mission is to keep dancers moving. If you are unknown to the people on the floor, they won’t appreciate your outstanding combinations, if they will be forced to hear them standing in the static square. “Standing” ovation after such a tip has a slightly different meaning.

Yes, true, in your country/city/club are the best dancers in the world and cannot be satisfied by SPD. Nevertheless the SPD technique is something worth knowing, because one day it may help you and the dancers you are calling to at the moment..

Imagine there is a certain line:

Very hard, technical challenging dance

The edge of the floor’s abilities

Very boring, mundane dance





It makes no sense to keep dancers somewhere in the middle of the right field; maybe in the very beginning of your calling, but not for such a long time. Your duty is to keep dancers very close to the edge and sometimes slightly cross the line for a while but not to go too far.

SPD technique means that you call as many as possible figures from standard formations (note: for the purpose of this article the (standard) formation means a formation and an arrangement). Imagine that every figure starting from non-standard formation raises a red flag in your mind in order to be aware that dancers are closer to the edge. If you want to proceed to the line or behind the line, continue with non-standard formations. If you want dancers to relax, just go back to standard.

In the following tables you will find figures and their standard formations with arrangement.


(anyone (Ladies)) Chain (fract)

2 normal facing couples

(anyone) Cross Fold

Same sex lines facing out, all ½ sashayed

(anyone) Cross Run

Left Ocean Wave, boys in the middle, boys are (anyone)

(anyone) Fold

Right Ocean Wave, boys in the middle, girls are (anyone) or lines facing out all sashayed ends are (anyone)

(anyone) Run

Right Ocean Wave, boys in the middle, boys are (anyone)

(anything) & 1/4 More

Used after Ladies Chain and Right & Left Thru

(anything) To An Allemande Thar

Allemande Left To An Allemande Thar

Static square, face partner. Add helping words Go forward 2

Allemande Left

From various formations, but every time with the real corner. Do not play with Allemande Left, R & L Grand, on the 3 hand Promenade Home

1/2 Tag (The Line)

Right-hand 2-faced line, girls in the middle; usually followed by Scoot Back


Around (n) Come Into The Middle

Around (n) To A Line

After Heads Pass Thru from Static square


Single File Promenade


Alamo Ring

Bend The Line

Lines facing out and

2-faced lines with normal couples

Box Circulate

Parallel Waves, called with designated dancers (boys, girls, centers, outsides).

Cast Off (fract)

Lines facing out

Called only as a 3/4 version and after Centers In

Centers In


Chain Down The Line

2-faced line, girls in the middle

Left Ocean Wave, girls in the middle

Circle (Left|Right)

Static square

Circle To A Line

Lead Right Box

Circulate, Couples Circulate

Waves with boys on the ends

2-faced lines with boys on ends


CDPT, normal couples

Couples Hinge, Couples Trade

2-faced line with boys on ends

Courtesy Turn

Boys always turning girls

Dive Thru

Eight Chain Thru, normal couples

Dixie Style (To An Ocean Wave)

Facing lines, normal couples (always preceded by some flowing action

Do Paso

Static square after Walk around your corner


Eight Chain Thru, after Heads Square Thru 4 or from a static square, face your partner

Double Pass Thru

DPT with normal couples

Eight Chain (Thru|n)

Eight Chain Thru as a version for 4 hands with normal couples

Ferris Wheel

Right hand 2-faced lines, normal couples

First Right, Next Left

After Double Pass Thru call with normal couples

Flutter Wheel

Normal couples after some flow

Forward & Back

Normal lines

Grand Square

Static square

Half Sashay

Rollaway (With A Half Sashay)

Normal couples


Single Hinge

Waves with boys on ends or at Plus, right hand 2 faced lines with girls in the middle (girls hinge)

Ladies Chain (fract)

Static square – versions 1/2 and 3/4

Facing lines – version 1/2

Ladies In, Men Sashay

Moving Circle to the Left

Lead (Right|Left)

Static Square normal couples

Left Swing Thru

After dixie style to a wave and boys trade

Partner Hinge

Normal couples

Pass The Ocean

Normal couples

Pass Thru

Normal couple

Pass To The Center

Eight Chain Thru, normal couples

Recycle (from a Wave)

Right Ocean Wave, girls in the middle

Right & Left Grand

Weave The Ring

Starts with the real partner. Anything other than a squared set with everyone facing partners is not standard

Right & Left Thru

Normal couples

Scoot Back

Right Ocean Waves, boys facing in

See Saw

Static Square after Walk around your Corner

Single File Promenade

Single File Promenade after Circle left

Star Thru

Slide Thru

Normal couples

Spin Chain Thru

Right Waves, girls in the middle

Spin The Top

Right Waves, boys in the middle

Split Circulate

Waves. From heads square thru 4 and touch ¼ (Should be followed by boy run)

Split The (Outside Couple)

Eight Chain Thru. Normal couples

Square Thru (n)

Normal couples in version for 4 hands.

Version for 3 hands is followed by Allemande Left

Star (fract)

Only in singing calls in the combination: Heads Square Thru 4, Right hand star with the outsides, Heads Left hand Star in the middle. This combination is very common, even though it doesn’t meet a definition of the Star. Also from a squared set in beginner’s class such as boys star right

Star Promenade

Boys in the middle going counterclockwise

Sweep (fract)

only in 1/4 version normal couples

Swing Thru

Right Ocean Wave, girls in the middle

Tag The Line (full) (dir)

Right hand 2 faced lines boys on the end and lines facing out

Touch (fract)

only in 1/4 version from normal couples


Normal couples

Trade By

Trade By, normal couples

Veer (Right|Left)

Only following some flow like recycle. Eight Chain Thru

Trade By

Walk & Dodge

Waves with boys looking in

Wheel & Deal

Lines facing out normal couples

Right hand 2-faced lines with girls in middle

Wheel Around

Normal couples


Normal couples. DPT


3/4 Tag (The Line)

Right hand 2 faced lines boys on the end.

Acey Deucey

Right hand 2 faced lines with boys on end and waves with boys in the middle.

All 8 Spin The Top

Squared set, face you partner (after Allemande left)

Chase (Right|Left)

Normal lines couples back to back.


Right hand Column obtained from normal facing lines after Touch 1/4.

Cross Fire

Right hand 2 faced lines with girls in the middle.

Cut The Diamond

Girls points, boys centers.

Diamond Circulate

Either Boy points or girl points (not both).

Dixie Grand

DPT after which everyone has their original corner.

Explode The Wave

Right hand waves with girls in the middle.

Extend (from non 1/4 Tag)

Right hand waves with girls in the middle.

3/4 Tag with a normal couple outside and normal wave in the middle.

Fan The Top

Right hand waves with girls in the middle or after a box the gnat from ½ sashayed lines

Flip The Diamond

Girls points, boys centers.

Follow Your Neighbor

Waves, boys as trailers.

Grand Swing Thru

Tidal wave, girls as centers on each side.

Linear Cycle

Right hand waves with girls in the middle.

Load The Boat

Normal lines.

Peel Off

CDPT with normal couples or Left hand Column obtained from normal facing lines after Left Touch ¼ if followed by bend the line.

Peel The Top

From a Z formation (waves with boys in middle, girls fold

Ping Pong Circulate

Normal 1/4 Tag.

Relay The Deucey

Right hand waves with girls in the middle.


Not standard anywhere. (Maybe after sashayed lines, touch 1/4)

Single Circle To A Wave

Normal facing couples.

Spin Chain & Exchange The Gears

Right hand waves with girls in the middle.

Spin Chain The Gears

Right hand waves with girls in the middle.


After Follow Your Neighbor or Heads Star Thru

Teacup Chain

Static square, ormal couples

Track 2

CDPT, normal couples.

Trade The Wave

Left hand wave with the boys in the middle.


(anyone) Cross

Mini-waved box with boys as trailers

(Right|Left) Roll To A Wave

Normal Couples back to bac

{fraction} Top

Thar with all girls in center or on end

1/4 In | Out

Normal couple

1/4 | 3/4 Thru

Right hand mini-wave box, boys as leaders or trailers (not mixed).

6 By 2 Acey Deucey

Twin diamonds with boys as centers

All 4 Couples CONCEPT

This defaults to what is normal for the call which is being modified by the concept


This defaults to what is normal for the call which is being modified by the concept


Probably the inverted line that will result in normal lines

As (A) Couple(s) CONCEPT

Normal couples (also may default to the normal SP for the call. Such as, same sex couples in a right-hand box: follow you neighbor)

Box Counter Rotate (fract)

Right hand mini-wave box, boys as trailers.

Box Transfer

Right hand mini-wave box, boys as trailers.

Cast A Shadow

Left hand 2-faced lined with boys in the middle.

Clover And (anything)

Lead couple is normal and anything call is SPD.

Cross Clover And (anything)

Lead couple is normal and anything call is SPD.

Cross Trail Thru

Normal lines.

Crossover Circulate

Right hand two-faced lines boys on end.

Cut The Hourglass

Girls are cutters.

Cycle & Wheel

Normal couple boy on end, mini-wave with boy on the end.

Diamond Chain Thru

Twin diamonds with boys as points.

Double Star Thru

Normal couples.

Ends Bend

Same sex lines boys on left side because any split square thru gives you the same result as normal square thru

Explode (from a Line)

Probably ½ sashayed lines

Explode The Line

Probably ½ sashayed lines

Flip The Hourglass

Girls are flippers.

Grand 1/4 | 3/4 Thru

Right hand column, mini-wave box with boys as trailers.

Grand Follow Your Neighbor

Right hand column, mini-wave box with boys as trailers.

Grand Remake

Right hand column, mini-wave box with boys as trailers.

Half Breed Thru

Lines with at least one half-sashayed couple.

Horseshoe Turn

Trade By formation with normal couples.

Hourglass Circulate

Any hourglass (boys point better).

Chain Reaction

Normal 1/4 Tag.

Checkmate (The Column)

Right hand Column obtained from ½ sashayed lines after Touch 1/4.

In | Out Roll Circulate

Waves with same sex together (boys inner active) or waves with boys on end


Right hand waves with boys on end

Mini Busy

Right hand 2 faced lines, normal couples.


Left hand waves boys in middle


Right hand waves with girls in the middle.

Pair Off

Static square

Partner Hinge

Normal couple (Lines facing out).

Partner Tag

Normal couple

Pass & Roll

8 chain thru formation, boys on end.

Pass & Roll Your Neighbor

8 chain thru formation, boys in middle.

Pass In

Same sex lines facing with boys on left side

Pass Out

Same sex lines facing with boys on right side

Pass The Sea

Normal couples.

Peel & Trail

Left hand mini-wave box with boys as leaders.

Recycle (from Facing Couples)

Normal couples.


Right hand mini-wave box, boys as trailers.

Remake The Thar

Left hand thar with boys in middle

Reverse Swap Around

Normal couples.

Scoot & Dodge

Right hand mini-wave box with girls as leaders.

Scoot & Weave

Right hand mini-wave box with girls as leaders.

Scoot Chain Thru

Waves with girls as leaders.

Single Wheel

Normal couples or waves with boys in middle


Right hand waves with boys in middle after the call slip


Right hand waves with the boys in the middle after Swing


Waves after slide

Spin The Windmill (dir)

From 3/4 tag with boys in the middle. Standard call is Spin the Windmill, outsides right.

Split Counter Rotate (fract)

Right hand box with boys trailers

Split Square Chain Thru

The formation where after those who are facing right pull by and ¼ in and at that point everyone is a normal couple

Split Square Thru (n)

The formation where after those who are facing right pull by and ¼ in and at that point everyone is a normal couple

Split Transfer

Right hand mini-wave box with girls as leaders.

Square Chain Thru

Normal couples.

Step & Slide

Lines facing out.

Swap Around

Normal Couples


Waves boys on end

Swing & Mix

Not an A2 call

Switch The Wave

Right hand waves with boys in the middle.

Switch To A Diamond

Right hand waves with boys in the middle.

Switch To An Hourglass

Right hand waves with boys in the middle.

Trade Circulate

Right hand two faces lines boys on ends or left hand wave with boys in middle

Trail Off

Right hand mini-wave box with boys as trailers or CDPT with normal couples.

Transfer The Column

Right hand Column obtained from same sex lines with the boys on the left side of the line after Touch ¼ (right hand columns with boys as 3 & 4)

Triple Scoot

Right hand Column obtained from normal facing lines after Touch ¼

Triple Star Thru

From DPT with ends sashayed

Triple Trade

Tidal Wave boys each side centers or

3/4 Tag from same sex lines boys on left side tag the line 3/4

Turn & Deal

Right hand 2-faced lines with boys in the middle.

(Left) Wheel Thru

Normal facing couples.


I don't think this should ever be called alone. But any CDPT formation: zig zag


I don't think this should ever be called alone. But any CDPT formation: zig zag