Richard Tuck in Prague

Richard Tuck

We met by chance. Richard is an outstanding C caller that calls up to C4. He went to Prague on vacation and found a contact to somebody from square circles :) over the Internet that somebody contacted us and we, Richard, and his friend spent a nice day in Prague.

It was on Friday, we met in the hotel on I. P. Pavlova Street next to the PriceWaterhouseCoopers building. Both of them waited for us in reception and recognized me by the photo they had found on the Internet. We received an XXL t-shirt with Mickey mouse that Lenka happily lets me use, as a gift.

We went to town for classical sightseeing, and as a bonus, we took a trip on a smallish boat along Vltava. The trip was with an audio guide, but the recording and the sound system were so miserable that we could not understand much. Both visitors liked Prague very much (weather was luckily good, too) and they really did not mind that they were rather tired in the evening.

We have arranged C1 and C2 dancing for the next day. The people were quite good, and Richard ran out of all the sequence that he had marked as hard, in a short while. It was too bad that more people did not arrive. It does not happen every day that one can dance to an excellent caller for free.

And do you know why this weekend was significant for us? We showed ourselves together to the square dancing public for the first time. Smile You should have seen it. We sat next to each other, hugged, held our hands, and everybody was looking at us, and could not believe that just we could have anything in common.

See the pictures here.